On Tuesday of this week Mary Elizabeth and I loaded up for a trip to see Scottie in Huntsville. Scottie's husband was out of town on business, so we just had girl time. Tuesday night was pretty low key, dinner, playing and bath. M.E really liked Scottie's cat and the cat wasn't afraid of her. She followed the cat around waving and saying "hi". M.E. was not happy about going to bed in a strage place, but she finally gave up and went to sleep (or passed out!). Scottie and I ate a good dinner of boiled shrimp, potatoes and corn, then we stayed up way too late talking. Wednesday M.E. woke a little early (5:45ish) which would have been fine except that I had gotten in bed at 12:30! M.E. and I played and let Scottie sleep until about 7:30 (we tried to wake her up at 6 but she was still snoozing hard!). Once Scottie was up we took Sam for a walk and M.E. took a stroller nap. We headed to Chick-fil-a for breakfast and then we went to the botanical gardens. The gardens had a special "bug" exhibit that M.E really liked! She also enjoyed the butterfly house especially the frog fountains in the ponds. It was so hot! By the time we left we were all soaked, but it was fun! We did a quick swing through McDonalds for nuggets and milk then we did a quick Target run. We got back to the house around 1 and Scottie and M.E. played while I packed the car. M.E. slept for the first hour of the trip home then woke up when I stopped for gas, which was a good thing because I needed a bathroom break! A visit to a gas station bathroom with a toddler is quite an adventure! All in all it was a fun trip and my girl was a GREAT traveler! She entertained herself in the car and I learned to keep animal crackers at the ready.
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