Last weekend Mike was away at a golf tournament for 3 nights, so Mary Elizabeth and I had a girl's weekend. We had fun being lazy each morning. I brought M.E. into my bed and gave her a bottle then we just hung out and watched TV. Saturday afternoon we went to my friend Heather's barn for a going away party for Heather's mom, sister and stepdad who are moving to North Carolina. Sunday afternoon we went to LuLu and Joe's pool and went swimming. While it was fun to have a girls' weekend it was nice when Mike came home. Being the only grownup in charge is really tiring! M.E. and I have had some fun adventures this week. Pat and Joe came over 4 mornings this week to stay with M.E. while I rode one of my horses. I also used the free time to go to the grocery store one day and mow grass another. It is nice for M.E. to be able to spend time with her great grandparents. Big Joe even took her on a walk up the driveway on Friday. Wednesday we ate lunch with Mike and 2 of his friends from college who live in Pelham now. Thursday we went to new teacher orientation to work the ACoE table. M. E. was the main attraction at the county office! Ladies would come by to visit then go get their co-workers and come back to visit. We saw some ladies 3 and 4 times in the 3 hours we were there. Friday we went with my friend Anne to the Peach Park and Ozan winery. It was a real girl's day out! Friday night was Big Joe's 83rd birthday party. Pat and Big Joe's friends came to LuLu and Joe's for a BBQ dinner and cake. M.E. stayed up too late then passed out when we got home! It is really hard work to be the center of attention! Unfortunately she did not drink enough milk before going to bed, so I would imagine that she will get up at least once in the night and want a bottle.
UPDATE- Mary Elizabeth slept through the night. What a good girl!
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