Monday, February 14, 2011
Big little girl
I am amazed by how much ME has changed during the past year. She has gone from toddler to little girl. Her vocabulary is very large I think (I probably biased though!). She uses words like frustrated and aggravated to describe feelings and adjectives to describe things. She told me the day it snowed recently that it was "a cold winter day". Pronoun usage is difficult but improving. She also has quite a southern drawl, which is amusing. Den has 2 syllables and her cousin Harper is pronouced "Hawpah". She likes to play pretend. Some favorites include: school, cooking and mommy and baby. Occasionally we have a pretend friend or animal that plays with us as well. She eats almost nothing. Even things kids are supposed to like such as mac and cheese and spaghettios she will have no part of. She sustains herself on fruit, peanut butter sandwiches, cereal bars and milk. I know it cannot last forever, but it sure is aggravating. I tried this past summer to keep putting the same thing out until she ate it. It would take 2 or 3 tries, then she would eat it once and refuse it the next time it was served. Truthfully it's not worth the battle to me! She loves to play outside. Playing chase or throwing a ball are favorites. She has also gotten pretty good at riding her tricycle. Her pony Tattoo also gets ridden fairly regulary. She still sleeps like a champ, about 10 hours at night and a 2 hour nap. If she misses a nap you had better watch out! Her latest measurements at the doctor had her weighing about 43 lbs and 39 inches tall. She is on the growth chart for the first time in her life! She has always been above the avrage growth for a child her age! She can throw a tantrum with the best of them but they don't last very long and either ignoring it or sending her to timeout generally works. Sometimes if I ignore a tantrum long enough she will come and tell me that she is done crying and she needs a tissue! ME can also be very shy in new situations. She holds back and scopes out a place before diving in. She does not like to be the focus of attention (ex- birthday party). It makes her very uncomfortable. For all the craziness I would not trade this adventure for anything!
Kids say the funniest things....
I've got to start writing down some things ME says because she can have you in stitches! Thought I'd record 2 of the most recent:
When we went to her 3 yr old check-up it was the first time she had been asked to tee-tee in a cup. She, of course, thought this was a terrible idea. I finally convinced her to do it so we could see if her tee-tee was purple. As we were driving home she asked me again why she had to go in the cup and I said that the doctor needed to see if her tee-tee was purple. She replied with, "Whatever you say Momma." I think she knew I was pulling a fast one on her!
Last night for the first time in more than a year ME threw up. She was really surprised and asked me what that was. I told her it was her chicken (lunch) and popcorn (we were watching a movie). She said "They don't taste good together!"
When we went to her 3 yr old check-up it was the first time she had been asked to tee-tee in a cup. She, of course, thought this was a terrible idea. I finally convinced her to do it so we could see if her tee-tee was purple. As we were driving home she asked me again why she had to go in the cup and I said that the doctor needed to see if her tee-tee was purple. She replied with, "Whatever you say Momma." I think she knew I was pulling a fast one on her!
Last night for the first time in more than a year ME threw up. She was really surprised and asked me what that was. I told her it was her chicken (lunch) and popcorn (we were watching a movie). She said "They don't taste good together!"
Sunday, February 6, 2011

We celebrated ME's birthday Jan. 22nd at the Parnell Memorial Library. Overall I think the party was a success. Three of ME's school buddies and their families celebrated along with our family. The theme revolved around pink and ponies. What more could a girl want! We took all of the horse stuffed animals we could find and the centerpieces included my Breyer horses and balloons. Mr. Brad came and engaged the kids (and parents) in a sing and dance along.
Pat's birthday
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