Sunday, February 28, 2010


My girl loves to play outside and read books! We took the red wagon to LuLu and Joe's house Saturday then sat on the sun proch and read several books. I am ready for our new house to be finished so we can sit on our back porch and read!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Family lunch

We all went to church this past Sunday and then to lunch at UM's cafe. ME was such a good girl and it was nice to have such a good visit with everyone.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Our little quarter horse is still here. He is really sweet and easygoing, but I can't get him totally sound. He had a stone bruise and the blacksmith found an old abcess that needed to be cleaned out, so I am still going to give him time.

My little diva!

We had a 1/2 day recently for snow. ME got a goodie bag at daycare that morning for their Valentine's party. She spent the afternoon strutting around the house in the "jewelry" that was in her goodie bag. Where did this kid come from?

Siding is almost complete

The siding guys are almost finished. The house is really starting to come together!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow day

Schools dismissed at noon today. By the time ME and I got home the snow was really coming down!

Funny girl and her daddy

Mike is the head baby washer at our house. He usually bathes ME and puts her to bed while I go feed horses and get our dinner started. After bathtime ME has gotten a little crazy lately! I recently found her daddy taking pictures and laughing hysterically while ME tore around the house in a skull cap, diaper and wearing my watch!

JoJo is home!

JoJo has settled back in at home and ME is really enjoying getting to go visit him again. The first Sunday he was home Mike and ME went to play with him, while Scottie and I took Pat to church. As soon as we got back ME wanted to play the piano with Pat. She tries so hard to do exactly what Pat does!

More house photos

Progress on the house continues to go well. These photos are from 2 different days. All of the windows and doors are in. The electrical, plumbing and heat/air are in as well. The brick was also finished recently.