Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer, really?

Okay it is the first week of summer, but it doesn't really feel like it! It's raining, so we can't go to the pool. The rain has turned the barnyard into a swamp, so I haven't ridden Doodle. To top everything off M.E. has a stomach bug, so I've been bathing her, doing laundry and cleang carpet and furniture non-stop! It can only get better, right?
UPDATE- M.E. has kept clear fluids down all day and the sun is out! Things are looking up! Currently she is dancing to a recorded "Jack's Big Music Show." The upside to having a sick girl is that she sure likes to hug her momma!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

New words

Mary Elizabeth has started to say "thankyou" everytime she is done with something and wants you to take it. Sometimes this is when she has finished her milk and she hands you the cup, but sometimes if I put something on her plate that she doesn't want to eat she picks it up and hands it to me and says "thank you". It is too funny! She has also stared to say "dadee" and "momma" and point to us. It's like she knew the words and she knew us, but she just put 2 and 2 together. The word "no" is big right now. Anytime she doesn't want something, wants us to stop doing something (ie- combing hair), etc., we get a firm NO. She is really turning into her own person. I just hope we get a happy medium between the NO girl and the "thank you" girl!