Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Day

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Too cute!
We had a great Christmas. Mary Elizabeth has such a personality, she makes everything more fun. I do have Christmas pictures to post, but these were too cute to wait. M.E. is something of a stuffed animal addict (mmm... I wonder where that comes from!) One of her favorite activities is pulling all of my old stuffed animals out and playing with them. She talks to them, hugs and of course they get beat on the floor as well. Saturday afternoon she sat with me in our bed and drank a bottle. After the bottle she went crazy pulling all of the animals from the chest at the foot of the bed, into bed with us.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thanksgiving, FINALLY!
I haven't been a good blogger recently! I have been so ready for school to be out for Christmas, I think that is all I could think about! Here is our Thanksgiving adventure, finally.
We had a great adventure at Callaway Gardens with LuLu and Joe. The boys played golf and the girls enjoyed a big walk and shopping. LuLu got in some tennis. We also enjoyed good food and great weather. Mary ELizabeth really enjoyed Fantasy in Lights. She bounced and babbled and got really excited to see all the beautiful scenes. Unfortunately she had been suffering from a cold that had developed into an ear infection (we didn't know it at the time) and we had an "incident" in the car about 1/2 way through the ride. I finished the ride covered in vomit and M.E. was stripped down and wrapped in my fleece jacket. I think Mike had been jealous that I was sitting with M.E., until the vomiting started that is!! She was a good sport and enoyed the rest of our vacation, but she was not as cheery as usual. We finished the trip with a visit to the Day Butterfly Center on Saturday as we were leaving. All in all it was a first good trip to Callaway and I am looking forward to many visits in the future.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Mini road trip
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween was quite an adventure! M.E. came home early from daycare because she threw up after lunch. She seemed happy, so we figured it was just a case of she ate too fast and too much so it came back up. Little did we know.... The evening started off great with photos at home and a trip to Pat and Big Joe's. Pat and Big Joe had treats and new soft blocks that M.E. tried out immediately. Then it was off to Mama B and Papa House's. They had a M.E. size Minnie Mouse and Tigger that M.E. enjoyed hugging and wrestling with. Then it was off to LuLu and Joe's. Peggy came over to visit as well. M.E. got puffs, a book with finger puppet and a book with a hoot owl. I don't know what we will do when Halloween visits only result in candy! We came home with a car load of new stuff! M.E. played in her play yard while the grown ups enjoyed an excellent dinner. I then made the mistake of offering her a bottle. After she drank just a little bit she started hugging and promptly threw up on me. It wasn't much so I passed her to dad and went to change my shirt. Before I was hardly back in the kitchen M.E. had covered everything near her in throw up! Dad and M.E. stripped down (dad into Joe clothes and M.E. into a beach towel) and once again we came home with nasty clothes in a plastic bag and started the washing machine. I guess we have a stomach virus.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Is this fun?
Monday, October 20, 2008
9 month check up
M.E. weighed in at 28.2 pounds and measured 30 inches in height at her checkup today. I hope her 24 month old clothes fit for a little while longer!
Saturday fun
Family lunch
Playing with ponies
Friday, October 3, 2008
Busy and Brave Girl
Mary Elizabeth is pulling up on anything and everything. She has no fear! She will just let go and see what happens. It is also funny to watch her try to decide how she can either climb up with a toy (in her mouth usually) or reach to get a toy once she is standing. Waving at anything and everyone is her latest accomplishment. She once again was too busy to nap at school today because she just wanted to wave at all her friends (while standing of course).
Monday, September 29, 2008
Big Accomplishment
Mary Elizabeth pulled up to a standing position today. She pulled up before her afternoon nap in her crib at daycare. She was so proud of herself that she never took a nap. She just "talked" and waved at her friends and teachers!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Big Girl
Friday, September 12, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
First Auburn game
Barnwork and pets
Monday, September 1, 2008
New pictures
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Regular routine
I am moving into the 3rd full week of school with the kids. I seem to have a good group of students this year. Mary Elizabeth is still enjoying school. Mike takes her everyday around 7 am and I pick her up around 3:30. LuLu picks M.E up on Tuesdays, so I have 1 day a week I can run errands or stay later at school. She is eating more baby food, so the formula intake has decreased to 25-30 ounces a day (instead of 40!). WE actually seem to have a real schedule, which is very exciting. The baby food and nap schedule had been pretty regular, but now the bottle schedule is regular as well. A normal day is:
6 am- wake up
8 am- cereal and bottle
9 am- nap
noon- fruit and bottle
2pm- nap
3 pm- bottle
5 pm- meat, veggie and bottle
7 pm- bath
8 pm- bottle
It is so nice to have a routine! I hope it lasts for a little while. Everyone is finally well and off medicine. M.E goes back next week to checck that her ear infection is cleared up.
6 am- wake up
8 am- cereal and bottle
9 am- nap
noon- fruit and bottle
2pm- nap
3 pm- bottle
5 pm- meat, veggie and bottle
7 pm- bath
8 pm- bottle
It is so nice to have a routine! I hope it lasts for a little while. Everyone is finally well and off medicine. M.E goes back next week to checck that her ear infection is cleared up.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Surviving School
Mary Elizabeth and I have survived the first week of school. We both managed to get sick and pass it on to Mike. Oh the joys of school germs! Sickness aside M.E. is still enjoying school. She naps well, eats all her cereal and fruit and drinks her milk. She seems to like her teacher and her school buddies. There are 3 girls and 1 boy in Infant 3 now, which is a good class. My classes seem to be good as well. I am the newspaper sponsor this year, which is a fun new adventure. I'll keep you updated.
Monday, August 4, 2008
First day of school
Mary Elizabeth started daycare today and I went back to school as well. M.E. seemed to have a good day. She drank 3 bottles, ate her cereal at breakfast and lunch, and took two 30 minute naps around her usual naptimes. She had just started another nap when I arrived around 2:45. Mike will be on his own Tuesday morning as the official drop off person. I will pick her up in the afternoon after school. So far so good in our new routine!
Friday, July 25, 2008
6 month check up
We got a good report at our 6 month check up yesterday. Mary Elizabeth weighed in at 24 lbs 9 ozs and is currently 28 and 7/8 inches long. She is in the 12-18 month range on the growth charts. There is nothing little about our little girl!
New toys and family fun
Last Friday I had some alone time. Mary Elizabeth spent the night with her daddy, so I could go take a couple of lessons and bring Doodlebug back from Fran's. I had fun visiting with Fran and Jay Friday evening after my lesson, then I stayed at a hotel and took another lesson Sat. morning before coming home.
Mom, Scottie and I all celebrated birthdays this past week, so we had a family birthday party on Sunday 7/20. Jim, Lea Ann and Peggy came over along with Pat and Big Joe. Scottie was here Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We all went swimming, then Mike boiled some shrimp for dinner. On Monday Scottie, Reba and I (and M.E. of course) scoped out some weding locations. Mom joined us when she got out of class.
Big Joe has been a faithful babysitter. He continues to come over almost everyday, so I can ride or run errands. Pat has been working at church music camp, so I know she will join us once camp is over.
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